Classification Games for Children

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Didactic games on the classification of subjects are a very important tool for expanding and activating the child's vocabulary. Evaluating the child’s ability to classify objects into groups, to select generalizing words for a group of objects, one can judge the level of his intellectual development, the degree of development of his speech, memory, thinking.

At the initial stage, the child is invited to select items according to the model. The child's task is to choose objects from the proposed group, focusing on their properties: shape, color, size.

In the subject classification, the child is no longer guided by the appearance of the object, but by its purpose, for example, objects intended for cooking and eating food - dishes. So, for the classification or generalization of objects, the baby includes mental operations, thanks to which he finds the basis for identifying objects or phenomena in the desired group.

Games and classification exercises are very important for the development of the child. Thanks to them, speech activity and flexibility of thinking are brought up. The child begins to understand that various types of classification can be used. As far as the subject has connections and relations with other objects, they may be in completely different groups, based on the feature determined.

The task of adults is to show kids that the properties of objects can change, and depending on this, the position of the object in the group will also change. We offer you didactic games for the development of speech, aimed at the formation of the ability to classify and generalize subjects.