February 14 is the day the world celebrates Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day is a celebration of love and tenderness. On this day, it is a tradition to give beloved and dear people flowers, candy, balloons and other nice gifts.
An integral attribute of the holiday - "Valentine" - a small card with a declaration of love. Valentines are usually made in the shape of a heart and decorated with roses, kissing angels, doves or kittens..

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Stories of Valentine's Day
As you know, the history of the origin of Valentine's Day is associated with several legends.
According to one legend, in 269 the Roman Emperor Claudius II sought to conquer the world, but the army lacked warriors to carry out this plan. The governor was convinced that family life was the culprit, on which soldiers spend a lot of time. Claudius II issued a decree prohibiting marriage during military service. Contrary to the decree, the young priest Valentine allegedly secretly crowned his beloved. When the emperor found out about this, he sentenced Valentine to death..
When Valentine was in prison and was awaiting execution of the sentence, he allegedly fell in love with the jailer's blind daughter, Julia, and healed her. Before execution, he left her a farewell message and signed as "Your Valentine". The appearance of the Day of all lovers is attributed to this moment, and the custom to give valentines.
For disobedience to the governor, the priest was beheaded, and later Valentine was declared to be a saint by the Catholic Church. Two hundred years later, in 496, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14th as Valentine’s Day.
In another legend, Valentine's Day arose as a memory of the Roman patrician Valentin, who was a secret Christian and turned his servants to the new faith. After he held a wedding ceremony for two of them, all three were detained by the guards. As a member of the highest class, Valentin could have avoided the execution, but his servants did not have this privilege.
However, the legends of St. Valentine live in the minds and hearts of people for several centuries, and the holiday of all lovers gives moments of happiness and helps to discover true feelings.

Valentine's Day Traditions
Traditionally, on Valentine's Day, people give each other various heart-shaped treats, flowers and small souvenirs. Also on February 14, lovers exchanged little presents: gloves, rings, treat. The constant attributes of the holiday are "valentines", red roses, pigeons and cupids.
It is believed that the first congratulation on Valentine's Day, which has been preserved to this day, was written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife, while he was imprisoned at the Tower of London after his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. A few years later, King Henry V hired a writer by the name of John Lydgate to make up a "valentine" for Catherine Valois.

We offer you to make beautiful Valentines with your children. We have selected a huge number of excellent craft ideas for you.

We also offer you ideas for beautiful Valentines boxes.

Coloring "Valentine's Day"

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